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Animating Vital Signs in Radar Simulations: Comparing Physical Optics Against 28.5 GHz Channel Measurements
In this article, the author utilizes the PO solver available in Remcom's WaveFarer® radar simulation tool to simulate back-scatter from the chest of an animated human model and compare the predictions against 28.5 GHz measurements collected by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
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Scalable Modeling of Human Blockage at Millimeter-Wave: A Comparative Analysis of Knife-Edge Diffraction, the Uniform Theory of Diffraction, and Physical Optics Against 60 GHz Channel Measurements
Human blockage at millimeter-wave frequencies is most commonly modeled through Knife-Edge Diffraction (KED) from the edges of the body shaped as a vertical strip. Although extensively validated in controlled laboratory experiments, the model does not scale to realistic 3D scenarios with many, randomly oriented bodies, on which multipath signals can be incident from any direction, not just normal to the strip. To address this, in this article we investigate computational electromagnetic methods based on raytracing.
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Range-Doppler Imaging Method Based on FFT-MUSIC for FMCW Radar
This paper proposes a range-Doppler imaging method based on FFT-MUSIC method for FMCW radar systems.
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